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Friday, November 26, 2010

The History of Computers and the Internet

Internet History

History of the Internet Poster

"In the Beginning, ARPA created the ARPANET. And the ARPANET was without form and void.
And darkness was upon the deep.
And the spirit of ARPA moved upon the face of the network and ARPA said, 'Let there be a protocol,' and there was a protocol. And ARPA saw that it was good.
And ARPA said, 'Let there be more protocols,' and it was so. And ARPA saw that it was good.
And ARPA said, 'Let there be more networks,' and it was so."
-- Danny Cohen

This Internet Timeline begins in 1962, before the word ‘Internet’ is invented. The world’s 10,000 computers are primitive, although they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. They have only a few thousand words of magnetic core memory, and programming them is far from easy. Domestically, data communication over the phone lines is an AT&T monopoly. The ‘Picturephone’ of 1939, shown again at the New York World’s Fair in 1964, is still AT&T’s answer to the future of worldwide communications.
But the four-year old Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense, a future-oriented funder of ‘high-risk, high-gain’ research, lays the groundwork for what becomes the ARPANET and, much later, the Internet.
By 1992, when this timeline ends,
  • the Internet has one million hosts
  • the ARPANET has ceased to exist
  • computers are nine orders of magnitude faster
  • network bandwidth is twenty million times greater.

TX-2 at MIT
TX-2 at MIT

SAGE consoles
SAGE consoles

At MIT, a wide variety of computer experiments are going on. Ivan Sutherland uses the TX-2 to write Sketchpad, the origin of graphical programs for computer-aided design. J.C.R. Licklider writes memos about his Intergalactic Network concept, where everyone on the globe is interconnected and can access programs and data at any site from anywhere. He is talking to his own ‘Intergalactic Network’ of researchers across the country. In October, ‘Lick’ becomes the first head of the computer research program at ARPA, which he calls the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO).
Leonard Kleinrock completes his doctoral dissertation at MIT on queuing theory in communication networks, and becomes an assistant professor at UCLA.
The SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment), based on earlier work at MIT and IBM, is fully deployed as the North American early warning system. Operators of ‘weapons directing consoles’ use a light gun to identify moving objects that show up on their radar screens. SAGE sites are used to direct air defense. This project provides experience in the development of the SABRE air travel reservation system and later air traffic control systems.

SYNCOM Satellite
SYNCOM Satellite in production

ASCII alphabet
Part of the ASCII alphabet

Licklider starts to talk with Larry Roberts of Lincoln Labs, director of the TX-2 project, Ivan Sutherland, a computer graphics expert whom he has hired to work at ARPA and Bob Taylor, who joins ARPA in 1965. Lick contracts with MIT, UCLA, and BBN to start work on his vision. Syncom, the first synchronous communication satellite, is launched. NASA’s satellite is assembled in the Hughes Aircraft Company’s facility in Culver City, California. Total payload is 55 pounds.
A joint industry-government committee develops ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), the first universal standard for computers. It permits machines from different manufacturers to exchange data. 128 unique 7-bit strings stand for either a letter of the English alphabet, one of the Arabic numerals, one of an assortment of punctuation marks and symbols, or a special function, such as the carriage return.

Baran's Paper
Baran's paper on secure packet switched networks

IBM 360
IBM 360

Simultaneous work on secure packet switching networks is taking place at MIT, the RAND Corporation, and the National Physical Laboratory in Great Britain. Paul Baran, Donald Davies, Leonard Kleinrock, and others proceed in parallel research. Baran is one of the first to publish, On Data Communications Networks. Kleinrock’s thesis is also published as a seminal text on queuing theory. IBM’s new System 360 computers come onto the market and set the de facto worldwide standard of the 8-bit byte, making the 12-bit and 36-bit word machines almost instantly obsolete. The $5 billion investment by IBM into this family of six mutually compatible computers pays off, and within two years orders for the System 360 reach 1,000 per month.
On-line transaction processing debuts with IBM’s SABRE air travel reservation system for American Airlines. SABRE (Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment) links 2,000 terminals in sixty cities via telephone lines.
Licklider leaves ARPA to return to MIT, and Ivan Sutherland moves to IPTO. With IPTO funding, MIT’s Project MAC acquires a GE-635 computer and begins the development of the Multics timesharing operating system.


JOSS Terminal

DEC unveils the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer. Small enough to sit on a desktop, it sells for $18,000 — one-fifth the cost of a low-end IBM/360 mainframe. The combination of speed, size, and cost enables the establishment of the minicomputer in thousands of manufacturing plants, offices, and scientific laboratories. With ARPA funding, Larry Roberts and Thomas Marill create the first wide-area network connection. They connect the TX-2 at MIT to the Q-32 in Santa Monica via a dedicated telephone line with acoustic couplers. The system confirms the suspicions of the Intergalactic Network researchers that telephone lines work for data, but are inefficient, wasteful of bandwidth, and expensive. As Kleinrock predicts, packet switching offers the most promising model for communication between computers.
Late in the year, Ivan Sutherland hires Bob Taylor from NASA. Taylor pulls together the ideas about networking that are gaining momentum amongst IPTO’s computer-scientist contractors.
The ARPA-funded JOSS (Johnniac Open Shop System) at the RAND Corporation goes on line. The JOSS system permits online computational problem solving at a number of remote electric typewriter consoles. The standard IBM Model 868 electric typewriters are modified with a small box with indicator lights and activating switches. The user input appears in green, and JOSS responds with the output in black.

Larry Roberts
Larry Roberts

Donald Davies
Donald Davies

Taylor succeeds Sutherland to become the third director of IPTO. In his own office, he has three different terminals, which he can connect by telephone to three different computer systems research sites around the nation. Why can’t they all talk together? His problem is a metaphor for that facing the ARPA computer research community. Taylor meets with Charles Herzfeld, the head of ARPA, to outline his issues. Twenty-minutes later he has a million dollars to spend on networking. The idea is to link all the IPTO contractors. After several months of discussion, Taylor persuades Larry Roberts to leave MIT to start the ARPA network program.
Simultaneously, the English inventor of packet switching, Donald Davies, is theorizing at the British National Physical Laboratory (NPL) about building a network of computers to test his packet switching concepts.
Honeywell introduces the DDP-516 minicomputer and demonstrates its ruggedness with a sledgehammer. This catches Roberts’ eye.

Paul Baran
Paul Baran

Larry Roberts convenes a conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to bring the ARPA researchers together. At the conclusion, Wesley Clark suggests that the network be managed by interconnected ‘Interface Message Processors’ in front of the major computers. Called IMPs, they evolve into today’s routers. Roberts puts together his plan for the ARPANET. The separate strands of investigation begin to converge. Donald Davies, Paul Baran, and Larry Roberts become aware of each other’s work at an ACM conference where they all meet. From Davies, the word ‘packet’ is adopted and the proposed line speed in ARPANET is increased from 2.4 Kbps to 50 Kbps.
The acoustically coupled modem, invented in the early sixties, is vastly improved by John van Geen of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). He introduces a receiver that can reliably detect bits of data amid the hiss heard over long-distance telephone connections.


Roberts and the ARPA team refine the overall structure and specifications for the ARPANET. They issue an RFQ for the development of the IMPs. At Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), Frank Heart leads a team to bid on the project. Bob Kahn plays a major role in shaping the overall BBN designs. BBN wins the project in December.
Roberts works with Howard Frank and his team at Network Analysis Corporation designing the network topology and economics. Kleinrock’s team prepares the network measurement system at UCLA, which is to become the site of the first node.
The ILLIAC IV, the largest supercomputer of its time, is being built at Burroughs under a NASA contract. More than 1,000 transistors are squeezed onto its RAM chip, manufactured by the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation, yielding 10 times the speed at one-hundredth the size of equivalent core memory. ILLIAC-IV will be hooked to the ARPANET so that remote scientists can have access to its unique capabilities.

2-node ARPANET diagram
Diagram of the first 2 nodes on the ARPANET

4-node ARPANET diagram
4-node ARPANET diagram

IMP logbook
A detail of the UCLA IMP log book, showing the successful connection to SRI

Frank Heart puts a team together to write the software that will run the IMPs and to specify changes in the Honeywell DDP- 516 they have chosen. The team includes Ben Barker, Bernie Cosell, Will Crowther, Bob Kahn, Severo Ornstein, and Dave Walden. Four sites are selected. At each, a team gets to work on producing the software to enable its computers and the IMP to communicate. At UCLA, the first site, Vint Cerf, Steve Crocker, and Jon Postel work with Kleinrock to get ready. On April 7, Crocker sends around a memo entitled ‘Request for Comments.’ This is the first of thousands of RFCs that document the design of the ARPANET and the Internet.
The team calls itself the Network Working Group (RFC 10), and comes to see its job as the development of a ‘protocol,’ the collection of programs that comes to be known as NCP (Network Control Protocol).
The second site is the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where Doug Engelbart saw the ARPA experiment as an opportunity to explore wide-area distributed collaboration, using his NLS system, a prototype ‘digital library.’ SRI supported the Network Information Center, led by Elizabeth (Jake) Feinler and Don Nielson.
At the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Glen Culler and Burton Fried investigate methods for display of mathematical functions using storage displays to deal with the problem of screen refresh over the net. Their investigation of computer graphics supplies essential capabilities for the representation of scientific information.
After installation in September, handwritten logs from UCLA show the first host-to-host connection, from UCLA to SRI, is made on October 29, 1969. The first ‘Log-In’ crashes the IMPs, but the next one works!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to speed up the Help dialog in Office 2007 and 2010?

When we are in a hurry we don’t like the fact that Office Help takes long to connect to the web and then help us out. Slow internet connection annoys us as the Help Dialog in Microsoft Office tries to download new content as we open it. The feature of online help is there to benefit us from the latest help files. However, most of the times we want to get things done fast without having to wait for it. By default, the Help Dialog is set to online help. In order to overcome this problem and speed up the Help Dialog in Office 2007 and 2010 we can change its settings. There is a simple trick to speed up the Help Dialog in Office 2007 and 2010. Follow these easy steps to speed up the Help Dialog in Office 2007 and 2010:

1. Press the F1 key to open the Word Help dialog box.

2. Click on the “Connected to” button if you are using Word 2010 or the “Connected to Office Online” button if you are using Word 2007.

3. Click on “Show content only from this computer” from the menu.

By following this method you will speed up the Help Dialog in all the applications of Office 2007 and 2010 by automatically altering the settings.

How to improve your Wireless internet and network connection?

Microsoft Windows gives you a notification whenever your wireless network has a weak signal. This is a sign that you should improve your wireless network. When you get this notification, it means that the wireless connection is not as reliable or high-speed as it's supposed to be. In fact, the wireless connection signal may be completely lost in certain areas of the house. If you would like to improve your wireless network signal, you should carry out a few of these tips. These tips will extend the wireless range. They will also improve the overall performance as well as reliability of the wireless network.

Re-position the wireless router (or wireless access point) to the centre of the house.

Place the router away from walls.

Place the router off the floor.

Place the router away from metal objects.

Instead of using a standard antenna which you get with the router, use a hi-gain one. If the standard router is placed by an outer wall, part of the wireless signals will be directed outside the house. This will also waste the power of the router. Hi-gain antennas send the wireless signals in a single specific direction which you are able to aim on the path where you need them a large amount.

Replace your laptop or computer's wireless network adapter with a USB network adaptor. It uses an external antenna that improves the range of the signals. (Laptops which have built-in wireless normally contain outstanding antennas. They do not usually require to be upgraded.)

Add a wireless repeater to extend the signal range.

Change the wireless router's channel to increase the strength of its signal. You can do that through the configuration page of the router. The computer will detect the new channel itself.

Reduce wireless interference by avoiding wireless electronics which use the 2.4GHz frequency. You should use cordless phones which use the 900MHz or 5.8GHz frequencies.

Update your firmware updates for your router through the manufacturer's website. Update your network adapter driver through the Windows Update feature of Windows 7 and Vista or visit the website for Windows XP.

Upgrade 802.11b devices to 802.11g or buy a new 802.11 g equipment. It is five times faster than an 802.11b device.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Computers & Internet

Computers & Internet
Computers & Internet
Introduced in the 1940s, the computer has become one of the most predominant electronic devices to come out of the field of technology. Computers have assisted users in the home, business and government sects of society in performing a variety of tasks, such as word processing and financial planning, more efficiently. Users are able to accomplish many of these computer functions more readily by enlisting the infinite services provided by the Internet. Explore the Internet world and its impact on society. Learn more about the evolution of the computer and how its technology continues to change our world.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Boost up your dialup internet speed

Frustrated of slow speed dial-up browsing? Want to Boost up your dial up Internet connection speed! You can speed it double using a free software.

Step1: Go to ->

Step2: USE KEYWORD: Internet Modem Booster Software.

Step3: Search and download.

Step4: Download the best priortized software.

Enjoy the fast browsing even in Dial-up.

Boost your computer speed to 200%

Here is the vital and rare trick to boost your computer speed to 200% than the normal speed or before. No need of uninstalling any softwares or to free the hard-disk. Just you need to do some manual works and we guide you to do how?

Read the instructed steps and follow up with care. Here we go...

Step1: Go to START->RUN

Step2: Type REGEDIT

Step3: select CONTROL PANEL folder.

Note: In many system control panel will not be visible directly. If so, Explore the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Step4: Then explore the CONTROL PANEL folder.

Step5: Select the DESKTOP folder.

(After selecting the DESKTOP folder you can see the registry settings displayed on right side)

Step6: Select MENUSHOWDELAY in that list.

Step7: Right click MENUSHOWDELAY and select MODIFY.

(You can see the EDIT STRING there)

Step8: The DEFAULT VALUE will be 400 delete the value.

Step9:Type 000

(to replace the older value from 400 to 000)

Step10:Press OK.

Result: Restart your computer you will feel your computer looks 200% faster than before.

Frustrated of computer slowdown?

Is your computer testing your patient by as-usual irritation of hanging and slowing while doing out the vital jobs. If so, don't kick your computer. Just kick your brain. Here is some tips what we use often and also advice others to do so to rescue their system. After following up of our steps make sure that your RAM vb script script file appears like this. If you think you had done it then go ahead save it on your desired location and just double click on that file whenever you feel that you need some rescue to your system.

10 Tips For Safe Computer

Attached Images
